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Satoshi Tomiie - The third man..

Satoshi's sound is different..

I posted up an advert for the excellent Satoshi Tomiie NuBreed album last week and the response was amazing, widely agreed as one of the best in the series, testament to a time when DJ Mix albums really did reflect the dancefloor. This week we have a great piece from back in 1994, Satoshi hanging with Dave Morales and Frankie Knuckles, a kind of protégé if you will. The article reminds us of Satoshi's roots playing keyboard on tour for Ryuichi Sakamoto and hanging with the Def Mix crew. Its early doors before SAW recordings, Forensic and the later progressive offerings but does hint at a developing sound, a sound with a harder edge to it.

First and foremost, Satoshi is someone that has obviously had an extensive musical education..

Article first appeared in DJ magazine - December 1994

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