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Writer's picturePHC - JayDobie

Power - Its about the DJ promotion..

1993 and Power are one of the biggest DJ promotion services in the UK..

Back at a time when I was regularly playing out and working in a record shop I was lucky enough to be on numerous mailing lists. I had envelopes turning up weekly from the likes of East West, Amato, Unique and of course Power. A lot of what I received was for presale purposes but a couple of the lists were designed for breaking new records, obtaining reactions and grabbing that all important hype chart placement. This was Power. I remember being really happy when I finally managed to make the list, the amount of times Id heard a track over the weekend, got in the shop on a Tuesday morning, called the label claiming to have customer interest and trying to blag a copy only to be told 'Power are handling that'.. It really was a good feeling to know I was in and it always delivered. Alongside the records I would also point out the early one off reaction sheets that you filled out and faxed back, some of those were really cool and this was something that a few labels ended up doing, staying away from a generic typed up artist, title, 1-10 type sheet and going for something a bit more eye catching, even going to the lengths of having a full page of hand drawn artwork many examples of which are now collectors items. Anyways, below is a DJ magazine interview with Paul Gotel the guy behind the whole Power concept. Paul of course had a career in DJing, remixing and production which included working alongside Spencer Williams (S1000) as one half of Well Hung Parliament..

Motiv8 - Rockin for Myself (Well Hung Parliament Adventure) anyone?

Now, continues Paul, "we get called in by majors.."

Classic example of an early Power Promotions reaction sheet.

Article originally appeared in DJ magazine - February 1993

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